Introduction of B.A. in Russian


Characteristics and Advantages of the Major

Backed by the disciplines of economics, law and management at Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Russian major takes Russian as a tool and puts an emphasis on the acquisition of knowledge about economy and trade or law. With a communication platform provided by the Association of Sino-Russian Economic Universities, this major aims to train well-rounded Russian language professionals who also have a good command of fundamentals of economics, management and law. Russian major belongs to the first-tier discipline of Foreign Language and Literature. Graduates from Russian major will receive a B.A. degree.

As a newly-established major at the School of Foreign Languages, Russian major began to enroll students in September, 2016. The curriculum starts with language and literature courses, including Basic Russian, Russian Grammar, Basic Russian Phonetics, Russian Listening and Speaking, Russian Writing, Survey of Russian-speaking Countries, Russian Culture and Society, and Selected Readings of Russian Literature. Based on the above, courses of economic, trade and other orientations are offered to strengthen students’ application skills. These include Business Russian, Russian Business & Legal News Reading, Legal Russian and Tourism Russian. Computerized learning system is combined with in-class teaching to cultivate students’ self-learning ability.

The Russian major has now six faculty members (including one foreign teacher). Among the members, there is one professor, two associate professors, and three lecturers, and half of the members are Ph.D. holders. All the members have studied or stayed as a visiting scholar in Russia. Since the establishment of Russian major, all the faculty members of Russian major have been working hard, cooperating closely with each other and exploring new teaching methods.

 The teaching and research group has published a series of articles in academic  journals at home and abroad, hosted or participated in a number of National Social Science Fund projects, provincial and university research projects. The group has also published monographs, teaching materials and translated works.


 Russian major aims to cultivate multidisciplinary professionals who have a good command of Russian as well as fundamentals of economics, management and law, who are equipped with strong cross-cultural communication ability to work in the fields of foreign affairs, news, education, scientific research, tourism, business and trade.

In order to expand students’ horizon and create supportive academic atmosphere, experts and scholars from home and abroad are invited to deliver lectures and participate in academic activities. We have agreements with Russian universities such as St. Petersburg State University of Economics, Baikal State University and Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, which provides a platform of academic exchange for students. Students are encouraged to minor in finance, accounting, law and other majors. We encourage students to participate in extracurricular activities held by the university or the school, such as academic salon and culture festival. To motivate students’ interest in Russian and improve their comprehensive language ability, we also organize contests of Russian calligraphy, reading, reciting and writing.

Career Prospect of Graduates

Against the backdrop of “One Belt, One Road” strategy and increasing Sino-Russia exchanges, graduates in Russian major are expected to have good career prospects. Students can choose to work in Chinese or foreign companies, or public institutions in the fields of foreign affairs, trade, law, finance, tourism and education. They can also choose to study further in postgraduate programs in Chinese universities or universities in Russia.

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